Social Media Advertising- Best Practices and Guidelines

3.96 billion people currently use social media worldwide, which comprises half of the people living in this world! Isn’t this figure alone the single biggest reason for marketing on social media platforms?

Brands must have a presence on social media.

However, how much time should they spend on these platforms? Also, what are the best practices and guidelines for effective social media advertising? Let us find out.

1. Whom are you trying to connect with

As a brand, you must know the exact audience that you are trying to reach out to. Once you know your demographics, you will be able to deliver better. Social media platforms give us a huge collection of data that we can use to make business decisions and design social media strategies.

Get to know your audience details as follows:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Gender
  • Gender
  • Where they live
  • What languages do they speak
  • How much they earn
  • How much do they spend
  • What they buy
  • Their hobbies

You can derive the above information from your social media analytics to determine your target audience.

2. Choose your channels

When you understand who your audience is and what are their preferences, decide on your social media marketing channels to adopt including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter and more. Facebook’s Audience Insights tool will provide you with valuable data. You’ll gain an insight into users’ relationship status, education level, and job title, to name a few categories. Similarly, other social channels will also present the results of their analysis.

Compile the results and compare them. On which social channel did you get the most engagement? Also, your business type determines the suitable social platform for you. If you are into food and fashion, you might want to spend on Instagram and Pinterest marketing. For a pharma company, Linkedin would be a better choice.

Also, if you have limited personnel to run your social marketing campaigns, you should select only the most promising channel, gauge your performance and the efforts that give you better leads and conversions. Brands also adopt remarketing techniques to remind potential clients of their brand presence. This is a wonderful opportunity for conversion and you can run these tailored ads while customers browse their preferred social media channel.

3. Content Marketing

It has been said time and again that quality content is the king. Never compromise on the quality of your posts on social media channels. The content you post eventually becomes your brand identity and reputation earns you followers and expands your reach if people like what you are posting. Define a consistent voice that reflects the core values of your brand. Post content that aligns with your business goals.

After you have decided what to post, you need to decide when you will post it. Certain times are more suitable for posting on different channels. It is because the audience is active at those times and you will receive better engagement.

Create a content calendar and post your content accordingly. The calendar should be fluid so that you can make changes in case you want to post some novel content.

4. Customer relationship

Isn’t that why exactly we are on social media? To connect with potential clients and build a brand reputation amongst them. The aim of your brand marketing should be to build a bond with your customers to win their trust.

Ensure that your customer services are prompt and genuine. Respond to customer queries timely and reply to all their social media comments. If they give positive feedback, be sure to post it on social media.

74% of the young generation (gen Z and millennials) do not like being pitched by brands on social media. As they are more resistant to traditional forms of advertising, brands have to adopt unique marketing methods. These include posting interesting blogs and engagement through online communities. They must get an organic experience that will develop their trust in your brand.


Set your goals, gear up your social media strategy and get working. Conduct audits periodically to find out what strategies are not working. Build a robust network of customers and offer genuine products and services.

Remember, loyal customers, are your best brand advocates. If you are true to your promises, they will embrace your brand, and make recommendations to other people.